• Improve efficiency through automated notifications
  • Increase accuracy of deficiency close out with increased information
  • In-depth analysis of practices and custom analytics

Deficiency Manager may sound like a simple application, but it is the backbone for many of our tools. With your accrediting body or AHJ looking for you to have a process in place and documentation that demonstrates your team's ability to close the loop, you can’t operate without this tool. Deficiency Manager provides you the ability to close the loop, improve accountability, and generate useful data on efficiency gains and resolving deficiencies. The Deficiency Manager keeps record of all deficiencies by customizable variables like type, category, and risk level. It also sends reminder email notifications automatically to responsible parties, escalates up the chain when deadlines are missed, and will even automatically convert items to PFIs at the 30-day mark. Improve accountability, close the loop, and have the best documentation in the industry for your surveyors by using this app! Deficiency Manager comes complete with comprehensive, real-time reports and dashboards customized by role so you and your team will see information that is valuable to your daily activities. Almost all of our applications come included with workflows from this app. This means you can spend less time focused on dual entry and more time focused on process improvement and physical environment safety.

*Not included with ICM

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How hospitals & businesses reimagine compliance

“When I leave the unit, I’m done. There is really nothing else you need to do. Time saved is at least 20 hours a week just doing reports.”

Johns Hopkins Hospital

How hospitals & businesses reimagine compliance

"We believe we'll have fewer deficiencies for The Joint Commission! It's made the hospital safer. It used to take days to gather info for JC, now it takes seconds to find the date, locations and status!"

Texas Children's Hospital

How hospitals & businesses reimagine compliance

"Now findings can be seen by the manager in real-time and corrected on the spot or on the same day of the finding."

Johns Hopkins Hospital

How hospitals & businesses reimagine compliance

"The idea is to do proactive maintenance instead of reactive. It wasn't possible before Soleran to the degree we needed."

Hurley Medical Center

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