Healthcare Compliance Management

Vendor Manager Suite

Designed to manage communication with your vendor and contractors, Soleran's Vendor Manager Suite ties 3 applications together to save you time and money. No more waiting around for approvals and completed forms. Contractors can get to work.

Now with Site Pass!

No more wasting time waiting for approvals

Contractors can sign in and begin work immediately because you know they’re qualified and approved.

Submit, rework and print any permit off-site

Easily manage contractor credentials

Use simple and effective training solutions

Track and maintain all vendors and tests in your facility

Seamless badge printing

Effortless check in and check out

Vendor Manager icon

Expedite credentialing

Ensure your vendors have the correct credentials to complete the work they are bidding or scheduled to complete.

Automated expirations of qualifications

Automatically walk them through renewals of qualifications

Submit credentials and complete safety trainings

Two men focused on computer, one man pointing to the screen

About Soleran

A proven track record of serving business

With over 800 businesses streamlined, cloud-based reporting and analytics, Soleran allows your company to do more with less & outsmart the competition.

Why Do I Need ICM?

Lower operating costs & optimize your resources

Soleran's Integrated Compliance Management (ICM) platform helps you lower operating costs, optimize your resources, and increase efficiencies.

Ready to reimagine your compliance?

Save time & resources with Soleran Integrated Compliance Management

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